
Oneper­centforthep­la­net | 1% for the Planet

1% for the Planet is a global movement inspiring businesses and individuals to support environmental solutions through memberships and everyday actions.

Global climate change | Global Climate Change Or­ganiza­tion Scientific Research on Global Warming

This is a Global Climate Change Organization and its main goal is a scientific research on Global Warming, solutions and effects on the environment.

Cit­tiliveex­hibition | The City Transport & Traffic Innovation (CiTTi) Live 02 03 June 2021

The City Transport & Traffic Innovation (CiTTi) Live will gather the industry together to explore how innovations within traffic and transport will help the movement of people and goods through an urban environment safely and efficiently.

Friendsoftheen­vi­ron­ment | En­vi­ronmen­tal Education Friends of the Environment Abaco Bahamas

Welcome to Friends of the Environment! We are the only nonprofit organization focused entirely on conservation and environmental education in Abaco, Bahamas.

Viva | Viva! The Vegan Charity

Vegan is a state of kind. The most powerful action you can take to end animal suffering, protect the environment and improve your health is to go vegan.

Di­ver­sityjobs | Virtualmin

Diversity Jobs helps employers looking to promote a positive and diverse working environment, and those looking for jobs in an equal opportunities workplace.

Eenews | E&E News Essential Energy and Environment News

E&E News provides essential, timely, and trusted energy news and environment news through our five daily publications. Learn more about us.

Cornwall | Home Page Cornwall Council

Cornwall Council website Information on council services and Cornwall

Eclipse | Enabling Open Innovation & Col­labora­tion The Eclipse Foundation

The Eclipse Foundation home to a global community, the Eclipse IDE, Jakarta EE and over 375 open source projects, including runtimes, tools and frameworks.